
Wishtrend.com Review


Wishtrend.com is an online store that offers korean beauty products worlwide.

Korea is known for having an extreme culture regarding image and beauty, even being one of the top countries providing cosmetic surgery. Their skin care routines and regimens are no joke, and they have a great number of companies that specialize in beauty products, with pretty good quality. They offer skin care products, make up, and products for hair and body.



+Easy interface

+Customers tend to review the products they have bought, so you can have an idea if the item is good or what you were looking for

+They offer free shipping worlwide over $69 USD, and free EMS shipping over $159 USD.

+They have great deals

+They send out free samples from other products along with your order


-For make up, it may be difficult to color match your skin with the products, and besides, Asian people are extremely white so if you buy make up bases or cushions, you should expect it to be light toned.


I’ve used this site multiple times and every single time my experience was a good one. I really recommed it.

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