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Los 5 mejores servicios de almacenamiento online
La importancia de la nube está clara, pero muchas personas siguen confiando aún en los discos duros externos locales, que, aunque son una muy buena opción, hay que […]
Google New Messenger App ALLO
THE GOOD Google Allo is available on both Android and iOS, and features a digital Assistant that fetches information for you in a conversational way. Its Incognito […]
Waze Navigation App
Waze is one of the most popular apps for not only helping you to get to your destination, but also bypass any potential hazards on the […]
Have you tried using uberEats? I think it’s a really good service, because it gives you the opportunity to buy food from places that don’t usually have home […]
Google Play Music
When it comes to music streaming services, there’s quite a variety of options to pick from. While Spotify may be the most popular of them all –offering support […]
Whatsapp Web
Have you tried using whatsapp’s web version? If you are a whatsapp user and you haven’t yet, I strongly suggest you to do it. It’s really simple to […]
Uber Pool
Wanted to share my experience with UberPool so you decide if using it or not As passenger Use it if you don’t have a strict ETA to somewhere, […]