
Shopping on amazon.com part 2

 I’ve previously discussed about buying on amazon, and now I’m sharing more about what I’ve bought and again, the pros and security amazon provides in all of its departments. Beauty and health Sadly, I’ve only used 2 categories here, makeup and bath and body care. I bought general makeup and a soap with a good spf, more spf never hurts. Both arrived safely in good packaging, not very heavy packaging, which is good considering that I send it to a

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Shopping on amazon.com

 The “why” amazon is reliable for shopping I’m going to tell you a department and then the story behind why amazon was great in it, but today I’m sharing my review on the book department.   Books Tons of books; there are 3 types of books you can purchase on amazon, new, used and kindle books or ebooks; a good thing: amazon rates its suppliers so that you now right away which supplier you can trust; every time I’ve bought

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