
Uber Pool


Wanted to share my experience with UberPool so you decide if using it or not

As passenger

  • Use it if you don’t have a strict ETA to somewhere, because on your route you might get detoured to pick and drop other passengers.
  • Use it if you use Uber a lot and you want to save some money.
  • Use it if your trips are short and in places Uber is not used a lot, most of the time you won’t pool with anybody and you will just get charged less for the same service as Uber X.
  • Sometimes you will get it, then they will go for another passenger and they will drop the other passenger first, so don’t get angry, use only if you have time to spare.
  • Use it if you are social and want to interact with more people, you can start a conversation or discussion with the driver and other passengers.

As driver

  • Great opportunity to win aprox. 30% more if you pick up 2 or 3 passengers on the trip. If many passengers get in the route, you will charge all of them an aprox. 15% less expensive fee, but then again, it is a fex x2 or x3.
  • You might just be losing money if you pick only 1 passenger because you will collect less money for the same route.

That’s it! Enjoy, leave your comment if you want to add anything.

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