



Shopping and Searching on Amazon.com isn’t cool anymore.



Why is it no longer cool to shop on Amazon

  • Reviews are biased, purchased or fake.
  • By the other hand, honest reviewers get blocked, banned and their reviews deleted.
  • You can’t trust on the search engine on amazon.com, you think they will bring out the best suggestion for your needs when as everywhere, they place ads on the top from sellers that pay for the spot, and then biased, expensive products.
  • Amazon is a poor software development company, creating functionality in a slow pace, not what the consumer needs on the time they need it.
  • Employees don’t seem happy to work to Amazon.
  • Excesive control over the suppliers, consumer profiles.
  • Very high price of $119 annual subscription, almost mandatory if you want to use the platform as it is intended to be.
  • Only intended for the USA market, if your IP address is outside this country, you get discriminated in using all the funcionality of the site.
  • Just as in any retailer, many things are more expensive than in other places, they have some products that are not, but you must be careful all the time you are not getting ripped off, like most of the cases are.
  • I think they got too big, got greedy and stopped caring. Evil manages their company and it is reflected on the consumer experience.


Here are some other domains used by this website: images-amazon.com, amazonservices.com, ssl-images-amazon.com

One thought on “Amazon.com

  1. It is true, after making like 100+ helpful unbiased reviews just with the intention of helping others take good purchase decisions, Amazon deleted my reviews for being “biased”. Great mafia, I guess they chase their own interests like everybody else, without caring for the truth.


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